Riverside, ID

Grown Locally

Welcome to our small hobby farm in Riverside (3 miles west of Blackfoot). We are not large but we love growing and providing products locally. Here, we take pride in nurturing a variety of farm-fresh products including eggs, fruits, and berries, and honey. Berries include raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and even exotic goji berries, each available in its peak season. At the beginning of each season, we delight in offering berry starts.

Our Services

How organic magic happens

Choose Your Products

In our listing, we have several collections of organic products. This is the place where you need to choose the product you want.

Farmers will produce it

The Product that you ordered will be verified that we have or not if have we will start to move on with the next step or else we will ask our farmers for the supply.

nearby locality

Once your product is packed it will be delivered to your nearby locality you can directly visit the to buy the product you ordered.

We Can Delivery too

If you are not comfortable going to the nearby market place we also will deliver your product to your doorstep.

Client Logo


They believe us and we are successful in fulfilling their belives. They play a vital role in our success. Each and everyone is most important to us and also for our success. 

100% Natural

handmade foods


All the fruits are grown without the use of any pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals.


Since there is no use of any chemicals you will end up with fresh and otrganic vegetables.


The honey that we give you is pure and you won’t get any preserved or conventional Honey.

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On Order Over $99

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Call us on anytime

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